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  • #4592
    키 마스터

      Xiphos (ξίφος). The most well-known type, a short two-sided sword used by hoplites as a secondary weapon.

      Xyele (ξυήλη). A shorter infantry sword than the xiphos, used by the classical era Spartan hoplites. Basically a long dagger, there’s still debate on whether it was curved or not.

      Kopis (κοπίς). A heavier single-edged cutting sword, usually employed by cavalry.

      Makhaira (μάχαιρα). Generic name for a single-edged knife, scalpel or short sword.

      Spatha or spathíon (σπάθη ή σπαθίον). A straight long sword of the late Antiquity, used by the Roman empire military as a replacement of the shorter gladius. Spatharios was an Eastern Roman title which literally means spatha-bearer.

      Rhomphaia (ρομφαία). A long slightly curved blade used by the Thracians, similar to a falx.

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