게시판 답변
기능하지 않았던 원인:
web.loadUrl로 선언 된 WebView와 일치를 안 시켰기 때문.
아래 코드의 경우
public void onBackPressed() { if (webView.canGoBack()) webView.goBack(); else finish(); }
webView로는 작동을 안 하지만(다른 개체로 인식되므로)
아래와 같이 web으로 인식되는 것은 web.loadUrl으로 선언된 url과 일치하기 때문
상기의 다양한 코드를 사용할 수 있음public void onBackPressed() { if (web.canGoBack()) web.goBack(); else finish(); }
간단하게(기능하지 않음)
private WebView mWebView; public void onBackPressed() { if(mWebView.canGoBack()){ mWebView.goBack(); }else{ super.onBackPressed(); } }
import * as React from 'react'; import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview'; export default class App extends React.Component { render() { return <WebView source={{ uri: 'https://mimoonchurch.net' }} style={{ marginTop: 20 }} />; } }
비 사용 코드(주로 Content View Code)
/* intro page-daily montage--- h4.pt-cv-title a { color: #777; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 24px; } div.pt-cv-wrapper p { margin: 0 0 1em 0; line-height: 2em; font-size: 18px; color: #777; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-character; //word-break: normal; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: keep-all; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; } #pt-cv-view-b300c7drtp div.pt-cv-content { color: #777; } */ /*----- .breadcrumbs span[property=\"name\"] { max-width: 270px; display: inline-block; padding: 0; margin-top: -3px; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } ----- ----- .breadcrumb span[property=\"name\"] { display:none; } -----*/ /* forum 내 freshness 수정*/ /* freshness name-avatar 세로*/ /* except forum description info 고려*/ /*li.bbp-forum-freshness a.bbp-author-name, a.bbp-author-avatar, span.bbp-topic-freshness-author { display: block; margin: 0; padding:0; }*/ /**** #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-forums span.floatleft { float: center; }***/ /**** div.bbp-topic-meta { float: left; line-height: 100% display:inline-block; vertical-align:left; }****/ /* .pt-cv-view h4.pt-cv-title{ font-family: 'Nanum Myeongjo',serif; //font-style: normal; } .pt-cv-view h4.pt-cv-title{ font-family: 'PT Sans'; unicode-range: U+0370-03FF; } */
이 문제는 방금 해결했습니다. 그러나 Paypal 사용자의 경우는 어떻게 작동할 지 모르겠습니다. 안 되면 피드백 주세요.
유니코드 레인지에 U+1F00-1FFF가 없으면 Rough breathing문자 표현 안 됨.
unicode-range: U+0370-03FF, U+1F00-1FFF;for old Android:
src: local('Courier New'), local('Roboto-Light'),local('Droid Sans'), local('Noto Sans'), local("SFNSText-Light"), local("HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Light"), local("LucidaGrandeUI"), local("Ubuntu Light"), local("Segoe UI Light"), local("Tahoma");
html { overflow-x: hidden; } /*--entry-content font change ------*/ /* content body font size*/ div.entry-content { //margin: 0 0 1em 0; margin: 0 0 0 0; font-weight: 400; // line-height: 1.625em; letter-spacing: -0.05em; color: #333; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-character; // word-break: normal; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all; font-size: 18px; line-height: 170%; } /* H4 font size in entry-content */ div.entry-content h4 { font-size: 23px; line-height: 160%; } /*site title size*/ .site-title a { font-size: 34px; } /*--comment status remove----*/ .entry-meta .comments { display: none; } /* text box*/ p.has-background{ padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; } /* intro page-daily montage--- h4.pt-cv-title a { color: #777; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 24px; } div.pt-cv-wrapper p { margin: 0 0 1em 0; line-height: 2em; font-size: 18px; color: #777; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-character; //word-break: normal; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: keep-all; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; } #pt-cv-view-b300c7drtp div.pt-cv-content { color: #777; } */ /* mobile menu search form */ @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { h2.widgettitle { margin-left: 15px; font-size: 14px; } /*title size in mobile*/ .ast-single-post .entry-title, .page-title { font-size: 24px; font-weight: 400; } /* content text style in mobile*/ div.entry-content { margin: 0 0 1em 0; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625em; letter-spacing: -0.05em; color: #333; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-character; // word-break: normal; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all; font-size: 18px; line-height: 170%; } } /*--wp-caption-text font change ------*/ #primary .wp-caption-text { font-size: 13px; line-height: 150%; text-decoration: underline border-bottom 4px; text-decoration: underline orange; text-underline-position: under; //text-decoration-thickness: 1rem; } .wp-block-image figcaption { font-style: italic; font-size: 13px; line-height: 150%; text-align: left; text-decoration: underline orange; text-underline-position: under; text-decoration-width: 4px; } /*--wp-caption-text in front page ------*/ .wp-caption .wp-caption-text, .gallery-caption { font-size: 13px; } /*--blockquote ------*/ blockquote.wp-block-quote { font-size: 16px; margin-left: 20px; padding-left: 10px; } /*--blockquote-caption-text ------*/ blockquote cite { font-size: 12px; } /*--bbpress sidebar remove ------*/ .bbpress #secondary { display: none; } .bbpress #primary { // margin: 0 auto; max-width: 980px; width: 100%; } /*----- .breadcrumbs span[property=\"name\"] { max-width: 270px; display: inline-block; padding: 0; margin-top: -3px; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } ----- ----- .breadcrumb span[property=\"name\"] { display:none; } -----*/ .breadcrumb { max-width: 220px; // display: inline-block; // ---except for mobile view padding: 0; margin-top: -3px; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } /* 각 게시판명 링크 컬러*/ #bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li *{ color: #5e9cff; // font-size: 12px; line-height: 170%; } /* 각 게시판 상위명 링크 컬러*/ #bbpress-forums a.bbp-forum-title { color: #5e9cff; } /* 게시판 내 게시물 컬러 */ #bbpress-forums .bbp-topic-permalink { color: #5e9cff; } #bbp_topic_title { width: 100%; } #bbpress-forums { margin-left:0px; } /*게시판 요목*/ #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header *{ font-size: 12px !important; } /*글 제목 폰트 크기*/ /* 순서 엄수*/ #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-content, #bbpress-forums a.bbp-topic-permalink { font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 170%; } /*글 바디 폰트 크기*/ #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-content p{ font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 170%; } /* 게시판 아바타 원형*/ img.avatar { -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; -ms-border-radius: 50%; -o-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; } /* forum 내 freshness 수정*/ /* freshness name-avatar 세로*/ /* except forum description info 고려*/ /*li.bbp-forum-freshness a.bbp-author-name, a.bbp-author-avatar, span.bbp-topic-freshness-author { display: block; margin: 0; padding:0; }*/ span.bbp-author-avatar { display: block; /*name을 block 아래로내림*/ margin: auto; padding: 0; } span.bbp-author-name, { line-height: 150% !important; display: inline; margin: auto; } li.bbp-forum-freshness, li.bbp-topic-freshness { text-align: left; float: left; width: 22%; /*padding-left: 10px;*/ } /* original writer align */ /* 같은 공간이지만 다른 객체로 하는 기법 유념*/ span.bbp-topic-started-by a.bbp-author-name, a.bbp-author-avatar { display: inline-block; } /* freshness font size */ li.bbp-forum-freshness, div.bbp-topic-meta, p.bbp-topic-meta { line-height: 170% !important; font-size:12px; } /* freshness 좌측정렬 */ #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-forums div.bbp-topic-meta { float: center; } /**** #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-forums span.floatleft { float: center; }***/ /**** div.bbp-topic-meta { float: left; line-height: 100% display:inline-block; vertical-align:left; }****/ /* 메인 토글 메뉴 높이*/ #access ul.sub-menu { top: 60px; } /* 메인-하부 토글 메뉴 높이*/ #access ul.sub-menu ul.sub-menu { margin-top:-60px; } /* ##공통 ##all device */ /*서브메뉴좌측정렬*/ /* left-menu right-menu on mobile */ li.menu-item a{ padding-left:15px; } /* acoount level(customized) left-menu on mobile */ /* ##all Device of min 936 ##939 이상의 모든 디바이스 */ @media only screen and (min-width: 939px) { /* acoount level(customized) on Desktop */ /*가공메뉴간격을위한원점타격*/ .get-profile-d, .edit-profile-d{ margin-top:11px; margin-bottom:25px padding-left:6px; } .edit-profile-d{ margin-bottom:5px; } .rule-donation-d{ margin-top:13px; } .log-out-d{ margin-bottom:10px; } ul.sub-menu li.menu-item a{ padding-bottom:10px; //margin-bottom:10px; } li.menu-item{ line-height:90%; } /* cuctomizes bbPress search pack width*/ #bbpress-forums div.bbp-search-form { width: 250px; float: right; } } /* ##Device = Laptops, Desktops ##Screen = B/w 1025px to 1280px */ @media (min-width: 1025px) and (max-width: 1280px) { /**/ } /* 페이팔 버튼 사이즈*/ #post-3256 paypal, input { width: 20%; } /* 하단 포럼 검색 필드*/ form#bbp-search-form { display: inline; } input#bbp_search { width: 68%; // position: absolute; width:161px; height: 35px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: -15px; font-size: 14px; padding-left:0px; } input#bbp_search_submit.button { display: inline; padding: 5px; height: 37px; margin-left: -3px; width: 27%; } #access ul li.current-menu-itemaccess ul.sub-menu { top: 20px; } /* view_count color on blog header.entry-header span#view_count.highlight{ //font-size: 15px; //font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: #4a89c3; } */ /*remove adsense auto top*/ @media only screen and (min-width: 992px) { div.google-auto-placed { //display: none; } } /* remove meta-nav in bbpress */ .bbpress ul.default-wp-page { display: none; } /* date remove*/ div.date{ display:none; } /* bbpress freshness\' last column modify on mobile with no-header*/ @media only screen and (max-width: 420px) { #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header li.bbp-topic-title { width: 20%; } /* last column -item*/ #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header li.bbp-topic-freshness { width: 20%; float: right; } /* content title */ #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body li.bbp-topic-title { width: 60%; } /* avartar title */ #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body li.bbp-topic-freshness { width: 30%; float: right; } /*facebook page */ .site-footer-section { margin-left:-10px; } /* below search field size*/ .search-form .search-field { width:255px; padding-left:10px; color: #666; } } /* below search field size for desktop*/ .search-field::placeholder { background: #ffffff !important; } .search-field { background: #61ce70 !important; } /* modify on mobile */ @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { .ast-advanced-headers-wrap, .ast-advanced-headers-title { font-size:1.2em; } .site-title a{ font-size:0.6em; } /* bbpress forum layout modify modify on mobile with no-header*/ body.cleanpage { padding-top: 0px; margin-top: 0px; } body.cleanpage .mob-menu-header-holder { display:none; } /*footer widget for max769by*/ /* widget-footer left margin in mobile*/ .footer-widget-area[data-section="section-fb-html-1"] .ast-builder-html-element { // margin-left:20px; } } /*footer widget for desktop*/ input#bbp_search { background-color : #d1d1d1; } /* bbpress ad. margin*/ .ns-dhvo5-l-tall-banner { margin-bottom: 50px; } span#view_count.highlight { font-size: 15px; //font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: #800020; }
Astra Pro인경우 Custom Layouts에서 hook을 통해서도 가능.
모바일 메뉴에 검색 필드 삽입 시 상단 간격
/*mobile menu margin*/ .ast-header-break-point .ast-builder-menu-mobile .main-navigation { //margin-top: -30px; }